🔥 Foxo brings the Healthcare industry secure text messaging, file sharing, video conferencing, and team collaboration tools. Think of Microsoft Teams but built for health, interoperable, and patient centric. Find out more, visit foxo.com. Foxo is a proud sponsor of Digital Health Buzz.
This episode features an excerpt from a virtual Fireside Chat with Natalie Yeadon, co-founder of Impetus Digital. focusing on the “why” behind the FemAging Project, surprising insights from our Fem…
Like every other industry, the healthcare sector also has its own specific and specialized systems by using which it can operate efficiently. One such system is the CRM, commonly known as customer relationship management system that helps in maintaining multiple data sources. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
We’re all starting to feel it a bit by bit. It looks like the lockdown is slowly being lifted throughout the world and sooner or later things will get back to somewhat normal.
Life365, a leading virtual care platform provider, today announced a partnership with White Plains Hospital, a leading healthcare provider in Westchester County, New York, to deliver remote care for patients located outside of the hospital and traditional care settings. To learn more about the topic, we conducted an interview with Kent Dicks, CEO Life365, Inc.
🔥 Digital Health Buzz! community
We noticed that there are many exciting Health startups that consumers are really keen to work with. Unfortunately, many of these startups close their doors before even getting noticed (aka vanish)!
To tighten this gap, we started the Digital Health Buzz! community to bring Health startup founders and consumers together under one roof!
Go ahead and join the group to hunt some interesting Health startups, land some potential leads, conduct fruitful discussions, get our questions answered, and more...
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